article 47 of the Indian constitution says, “The State shall regard the raising
of the level of nutrition and the standard of living of its people and the
improvement of public health as among its primary duties”. Even the Supreme
Court has linked citizens’ right to food to their fundamental rights, hearing
PILs and delivering judgements and observations in atleast 65 cases, since
2011, related to hunger, malnutrition, food and social insecurity, etc. But
does anyone believe that the Government has paid any heed to the Apex court’s
call for accountability and action?
Indians die of starvation and malnutrition. The numbers are appalling and
scary. The Great Indian Food Paradox is that every year millions of tonnes of
food grains are left to rot and are scandalously wasted, in absence of adequate
and proper storage space and competent supply chain strategies. Ceaselessly
kept on its toe by its political allies the Government continues to be burdened
with the weight of the great Indian populist politics, and is obliged to be the
largest single buyer of the gross national agricultural produce, in the name of
a systemically flawed concept called ‘national food security’ – a misnomer in a
country where well over 30% of the population are reeling under intense poverty
and are struggling to secure one measly square meal a day.
Government hardly has an alternative when it comes to buying the agricultural
produce to try and protect the farmers from resorting to distress sale of food
grains in case of bumper crops. Smarting under the compulsions of coalition
politics, the UPA Government keeps on pleasing agricultural lobbies by ensuring
basic minimum price of purchase, completely regardless of the demand-supply
theory as well as the health of its very own coffer. Every lawmaker in the
parliament sings to the same tune and never questions the populist yet chronically
inefficient method of the Central food procurement policy.
fact remains unchanged and is in the public domain, that incredible amounts of
food grains are wasted year after year, due to the sheer incompetence of the
successive Governments in providing adequate storage or establishing a properly
functioning supply chain. Neither the Babus nor the Netas are willing to
question the terribly flawed system, resulting in colossal wastage of accumulated
stocks, left to rot under the vagaries of merciless weather conditions in open
and unprotected spaces. The saddest dilemma is that if the Government sanctions
funds for building up a chain of state-owned godowns, its treasury would fall
short of the money required to purchase food grains from the farmers, to hoard
up the godowns built on public money in the first place. What a damning irony
at hand!
would it help bringing in supply chain specialists, who have the knowledge,
experience, moolah and intention with no compulsion other than that of
practicality, economy and commerce? Would our quintessential political class,
raise themselves above serving their petty political interests, by grabbing
onto an opportunity to show that they care? Or would FDI in Retail continue to
be the favourite whipping boy for the legislators, especially the ones who are
happy to keep a seriously starved nation hanging on its hinges, and sacrificing
pure economic logic and larger good on the altar of dumb regional politics?!
Pic courtesy: various news sources
Pic courtesy: various news sources